Sunday, November 18, 2007

How much things cost

exchange rate: $1US = 9 birr
Mailing a letter to the States ------ 3 birr 45 cents

horse cart ride 10 kilometers ----- 5 birr

minibus ride 4-5 km in city ------- 1 birr 20 cents

an hour on the internet ------------ 20 birr

an hour on internet @ the Hilton - 109 birr (!!!)

doctor visit -------------------------- 5 birr

renting a VCD (like a dvd) ------- 2 birr

cup of coffee ------------------------ 1 birr 50 cents

a pound of coffee ------------------- 30 birr

steak dinner ------------------------- 30 birr

watering can ------------------------ 45 birr

cell phone --------------------------- 600 birr

packet of tissues (called 'softs') - 1 birr

bottle of Coke ---------------------- 3 birr

can of Diet Coke ------------------- 45 birr (!!!)

sunglasses --------------------------- 15 birr


Unknown said...

Quite interesting. Pretty similar to China (or the part where I lived, anyway - not to Beijing, of course). We didn't have such an inflation on the Diet Coke (or Coke Light, as they called it), though. The nutrisweet's no good for ya, anyway, so it's just as well. : )

Unknown said...

wow...could you send me some softs? because i'm crying because i miss you : (