Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tour de Little People

Quarter #2 of my graduate career is complete! It was a love/hate relationship with summer intensive courses. I enjoyed focusing on one subject at a time, but found the discipline and motivation to work on assignments at a steady pace to be a challenge.

Summer culminated with a visit back east. I refer to this trip as the "tour de little people." I saw 13 little tots under the age of 2 1/2! Plus, 6 pregnant friends and cousins! One of them just delivered this past week - congratulations on the arrival of Abigail Faith, Carrie!!

The theme of babies continued as twin calves were born the day before I left...both female, which is rare. So they will stay and hopefully have a long life on Hendershot Farm.

And can't forget the little puppy, Lacy...a bundle of energy and fun, except when her chew toy involves your finger.

So that was my visit home in a nutshell. It was really great to be back on the Cove to breathe fresh air and drive my truck. I even managed to squeeze in canning a batch of salsa with the tomatoes Mom grew in the flower beds. Wish I could have had a couple extra days, but home will always be there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so much cuteness, surtout earl!