Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jesus for President

In today's lecture, we talked a little bit about the idea of Jesus for President, and the need to rethink politics. Our guide should be Christ. This message coincides with the topic of my summer course, Social Ethics. As followers of Christ, we shouldn't be caught up in the divisiveness of politics, but should seek to exemplify God's kingdom. We as the body of Christ in the church should seek creative ways to live out His teachings and not succumb to the expectations and "norms" of cultural influence.

I have given them Your word. the world hated them because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world. I am not praying that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world as I am not of the world. ~ John 17:14-16

1 comment:

Unaccustomed to Courage said...

I'll have to send you the Billy Bragg & Wilco song Christ for President. Here are the lyrics.

Its a great song!

Let's have Christ for President.
Let us have him for our King.
Cast your vote for the Carpenter
that you call the Nazarene.

The only way we can ever beat
these crooked politician men
Is to run the money changers out of the temple
And put the Carpenter in

O It's Jesus Christ for president
God above our king
With a job and a pension for young and old
We will make hallelujah ring

Every year we waste enough
to feed the ones who starve
We build our civilization up
and we shoot it down with wars

But with the Carpenter on the seat
away up in the capital town
The USA would be on the way prosperity bound!