Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas in So-Cal

First off, this was the aftermath of finals week. My room seriously looked and smelled like a boy's dorm room. Dirty dishes, chips, unmade bed, clothes strewn all over the place. It was revolting.

But now the incredibly busy quarter is over and everyone is filled with renewed optimism that the next one can't be nearly as bad.  I've already made lots of new years resolutions - to go to the gym, journal more regularly, spend quality time with people, spend quality time with God, start planning my overseas practicum (potentially for this summer), etc. etc.   All it takes is a little discipline.  All I need is a disciplinarian to reprimand me when I drop the ball.  That's all.
For the time being, I don't feel guilty for doing some fun stuff during the week off in Pasadena.  A friend and I went downtown this week to Grand Central Market, the Fashion District, Flower District, Central Library, Beverly Hills, then to Griffith Park to see the sunset and the city at night.  Pretty spectacular view up there.  However, LA can't hold a candle to New York or DC at Christmas.  It's already hard enough to think Christmas when it's still so warm and the leaves are just turning.  They have one semi-major lights display that people can walk through, and that's about it.  Maybe I'm just missing the other sights that you have to be "in the know" for.  Anyways, I'm disappointed Los Angeles...step up your game!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Last Book Review

Beyond Christendom by Jehu Hanciles
This book's intention is to explore the interconnection of globalization, migration and religious expansion. While Western influence consume the contemporary world order, globalization creates powerful trends that influence the West and all the world in significant ways. Dr. Hanciles, an immigrant from Sierra Leone, writes from a non-western perspective.
Chapter 1: Globalization pp. 1-37
This chapter looked at the concept of globalization VERY indepth. The term globalization, Hanciles contends, has been "in vogue" for about 30 years, but really it was at work long before then. Globalization ultimately involves marginalization and exclusion. The world is a dynamic entity and globalization cannot be the tool of America or Europe alone. And globalization cannot be considered solely an economic movement.

Chapter 4: The Birth and Bankruptcy of Christendomp. 84-114
During the reign of Christendom, Christianity was not based on faith, but was rather determined by one's national identity. With the "conversion" of such massive amounts of people, the creation of a "Christian society was a fitful and arduous process." As a result, Christian mission became inextricably linked with territorial expansion and political rule rather than discipling new believers. The first to contradict this approach were the Anabaptists, who themselves were marginalized and persecuted because of their rejection of civil society's role in the church. A effect of missionary influence and education resulted in national and racial pride, in addition to religious protest. In African and Asia, a large proportion of the first generation of nationalist leaders were products of missionary education.

Chapter 12 Sacred Canopies276-302
"Religious congregations serve to facilitate the immigrants' assimilation into American life while simultaneously allowing them to nurture their ethnic ties even as they ease their adjustment into their new country" (p. 278). In this chapter, the author argues that immigrant churches have a specific missionary function because they are the most effective means to model the Gospel to other immigrants. The first wave of immigrants came from northwestern Europe, followed by another wave of immigrants who were enslaved Africans (1619-1850).
The establishment of black Christianity signified anti-Christendom. This particular movement by African Americans resulted in the civil rights movement. Because immigrants often experience marginalization and racial prejudice, the immigrant church is a place they can find acceptance and solace to be in a familiar cultural context.
"African Immigrant churches are among the fastest growing because they reproduce or exhibit the same vitality and dynamism that are present in the homelands of immigrant members and also because they draw on a widening base of immigrants hungrry for religious association and participation" (p. 302).
As a result of America's diminishing "Christian" condition, it is less a missionary-sending nation and more and more a mission field.

Chapter 13 On the Road with Ancestors 303-323
African immigration to the US grew exponentially from the 1960's to the present. This is largely a result of the Immigration Act that in part offers diversity visas in a lottery system to Africans. Approximately 60% of African immigration is driven by family ties here. The majority settle in New York.
Transnationalism is the incorporation and involvement in the society of settlement and one's native context. "Transnationalism facilitates selective adaptation within the first generation of immigrants and will arguably have some impact on the acculturation patterns of the second generation" (p. 318).
There is a firm distinction between Africans in America and African Americans. African immigrants are often shocked to discover that many African Americans hold the same negative stereotypes of Africans that white people often believe - that Africans are poor, uneducated, and primitive. Yet the author stresses that both groups have a tremendous opportunity to practice reconciliation based on our biblical mandate.

Chapter 14 Have Faith, Will Travel324-349
It is primarily the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements who stress the importance of missions. Hanciles describes four categories of African immigrant churches:
- Abrahamic - spontaneous movements started by one individual who came to North America or Europe for a specific job and ended up starting a church. Most churches in the US apply to this group.
- Macedonian - these churches exemplify planned, organized initiatives, that are created by another church or ministry that is African-based.
*this two groups are closely related because the Macedonian group owe their existence most likely to an Abrahamic movement.
- Jerusalem - African-inspired and led church that is closely tied to a mainline Western denomination. This group is often known as an "ethnic" church.
- Samuel-Eli - mainline denominations that attract a large amount of Africans who can inform the worship and add to the larger church's diversity.
This chapter goes on to portray three case studies of churches derived from African influence: one in Maryland, started by a Liberian; his mantra was: Don't be refugees; be missionaries. The second story involved a Nigerian immigrant who came and found great success in the commercial world with Verizon, but eventually left that high-level job to start a church in Los Angeles. The third case study is a Congolese man who started a church in Chicago.
These stories convey a drivenness amongst the men, and capability to manage. Along with their strong faith, they are able to start thriving churches. However, no mention is given to any formal theological training that any of these individuals may receive prior to taking over in a pastoral role.

Chapter 15 African Immigrant Churches in America350-373
The age demographic of a lot of AICs are young families; 80% are under the age of 50. In a survey on why African immigrants attend church, the 2 primary reasons were lively worship and solid preaching/teaching. Prayer is also central to the gatherings - vigorous, collective meaningful praying. The majority of people in the AICs believe that their churches should do more to reach non-Africans. One major deterrent to that is people's hesitancy and intimidation with the language abilities.
The author ends by reviewing how little research has been conducted on this relatively young demographic. Their long-term impact on church and mission is yet to be determined. The key certainty is that "this African missionary movement reveals, yet again, how migration movement is intimately linked with the long-term prospects of the Christian faith. Yet all too often, the most momentous episodes in the history of Christian missions have been launched by small, insignificant initiatives, such as the ordinary actions of those unnamed migrant-refugees in first-century Antioch" (p. 373).

Monday, December 7, 2009

Last Class Reflection

Our last Church and Mission class for the quarter addressed Pentecostalism.American Pentecostalism started in Topeka, KS in 1901. During this time, the church was still racially segregated. A short time later, a worldwide Pentecostal movement was birthed on Azusa downtown Los Angeles.
William Seymour was largely responsible for getting the ball rolling. He is now considered the “Luther” or “Calvin” of Pentecostalism.
Pentecostalism centers of the work and role of the Holy Spirit. The mission of the Holy Spirit is to lead us to truth. The more of the HS we have in our lives, the more we can get out of God’s word, which was inspired by the HS. Today Pentecostals comprise the largest denomination, or group, of Christians in the world outside of Catholics.  There are believed to be 600,000,000 believers who can trace the route of their faith to the Azusa Street Revival.

This has been a great class. I think I've learned a lot about the history of Christian traditions and its given me a richer appreciation for the diversity within my faith tradition.
Now, on to the paper writing, to prove that I did indeed learn something!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Fitting for a lecture right after Thanksgiving, we learned about the Puritans.  The Puritans were being persecuted by the Church of England, so they sought asylum in a new land, just as the Israelites did in their escape from Egypt.  Because of this parallel situation, the Puritans saw themselves as God's new chosen people.  They wanted to be completely isolated from England and its strong connection with the state.  So in their newly created society in New England (the "promised land"), they said they were with God, but against the world.  They established adult baptism, rather than the tradition of Luther and Calvin to be baptized as a baby once.  Menno Simons, one of the early Anabaptist leaders, did not believe that the Eucharist truly embodied Christ's blood and body, but was instead a symbol of His unity. 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey Day

When I was an intern at ECHO, a friend shared with us how she had a list of things she wanted to do before she was 30. And one of those things was to cook a turkey. I thought that was a swell idea, so I decided to set a similar goal. Another goal of mine is to do less procrastinating, so in order to kill 2 birds with one stone, I cooked a turkey for Thanksgiving, one FULL year before that big birthday milestone. This was a big deal to me since I 1)don't have a lot of confidence in my cooking abilities 2)H-A-T-E touching/cleaning/cooking/eating raw meat and 3)would be feeding a lot of people with this bird. So in order to try to avoid common pitfalls, I chatted with everyone who may have cooked a turkey in their life to learn from their experiences in the weeks leading up to the big day. Some of the common responses included:
* be sure to take the bag of guts out of the turkey before cooking it
* burning it may not look pretty, but will seal the moisture in
* you can never use too much butter

What people didn't tell me was how long it takes a frozen turkey to defrost...5 hours/pound, if you didn't know...that's a long time for a 17lb turkey! Also, the heavy wire that's wrapped around the legs doesn't need to come off before roasting it. And let me tell you, it won't come off short of heavy-duty wire cutters (which I couldn't find laying around anywhere). So I had planned to stuff some herbs, apples, onions and veggies in the cavity, but the cavity was a lot smaller than I imagined it to be. Nevertheless, I rammed as much colorful stuff in there as I could.
My roommates were there for moral support, and we all made multiple calls to our moms for instructions on anything from pie crusts to oven temperatures to how much stuffing it takes to feed 16 people.

The meal turned out gloriously, and we did feed 16 people.

Book Review #5

Emerging Churches Creating Christian Community in Postmodern Cultures
by Eddie Gibbs and Ryan K. Bolger

Chapter 1 A brief look at Culture

Churches in the west face a missional challenge...there is a great need to understand the relationship between the gospel and culture. In parts of the world where Christendom was once prevalent, this issue has not been addressed. In order to understand the mission of the church, Christianity in culture must be addressed. The western church is in rapid decline and movements that are growing are ones that deal with the role of culture in faith.

Chapter 2 What is the Emerging Church?

The Emerging church appeals to "Gen Xers" who have abandoned their parent's faith for something more authentic and relevant. But it's not just about one generation. It is vital for the emerging church to be solidly rooted in the larger historical church. Emerging church leaders prefer to not be labeled by a particular brand or age bracket. There is a strong effort to separate themselves from labels and get back to the basic premise of Christianity, to be a follower of Christ. Simon Hall from the UK says, "My main aim for the community is not to be 'post' anything but to be 'and' everything." The 3 core practices are 1)identifying with the life of Jesus; 2) transforming secular space; 3)living in community. And because of these 3 main practices, they practice hospitality, serve with generosity, create as created beings, lead as a body, and take part in spiritual activities (p. 44-45).

Chapter 3 Identifying with Jesus

This is about rethinking the meaning of church. Mark Scandrette of ReIMAGINE in San Francisco described the difference between megachurches and what they're about. He said, "We started out thinking about what form the church should take, as opposed to what the life of Jesus means in this time and place." This is about being Christ. "Jesus served and forgave others, and the early church was encouraged to do likewise." One understanding is that God is already working in the world, so our job is to find out where and move along with that. Andrew Jones from the UK put it simply, "We find what God is planting and we water it." To be a Christian is to be missional, seeking to embody the kingdom at all times.

Chapter 4 Transforming Secular Space
All life must be sacred in the emerging church mindset. Bridges are made between the secular/spiritual worlds in order to rid people's perceptions of the division. For instance, in some churches secular music is played during the service, and different forms of the arts and media are used. In that process, the secular becomes holy. "As many church people fight to keep the dying church modern, emerging churches abandon the modern church while bringing new life to the church (p. 72). The intention is to stay true to both their faith and their culture. This is not only to make the transition from the outside world to church feel less contrasting and uncomfortable, but also to allow us to take our worship from church to the outside world. This idea of culture embodied gospel is distinguished by its creative nature, as well being highly participatory and community-oriented.

Chapter 5 Living as Community

Because the secular space no longer exists, church becomes a 24/7 event, not just 90 minutes on Sunday. There is an understanding that the risen Christ now works by his Spirit, who operates through the community as well as beyond it, in the furtherance of his purposes in the wider world(p. 90). The church must first be the product of mission before it is an agent of mission (p. 91). Community must be present and healthy in order to exude a product of mission. There is a shift, as mentioned above, from the emphasis on church to emphasis on kingdom. As the body of believers become like a family, the institutional practices will change. Generally speaking, the church rises and falls based on relationships. It takes commitment and intentionality. Meeting together is an effort to serve the community and strengthen relationships. Because of this, the groups tend to stay small and intimate, with no great desire to grow large. The focus does not seem to be as much about deepening one's faith, though I imagine that is part of it. It does say that emerging churches believe the church should shape its corporate life in accordance with the practices of the kingdom of God (p. 115).

Chapter 6 Welcoming the Stranger
Emerging churches are inclusive, just as Christ was inclusive and welcomed the stranger. There is a tremendous value placed on hospitality to create a comfortable, safe place to worship. There is a belief that sharing the gospel should flow naturally as a reflection of one's life, and not some contrived proclamation. There is a stress on dialogue and being engaged with the contradictory opinions rather than an indifferent disregard for other people's backgrounds and influence. Christians are called to live their life publicly so that those on the outside can be attracted to the faith (p. 130). The following sentence is key for me in understanding Fuller's perspective on interfaith dialogue: "We deemphasize the idea that Christians have God and all others don't by attempting to engage in open two-way conversations. This does not mean we have lapsed into relativism, as we still believe in the uniqueness of our own tradition, but we believe that it teaches us to be open to all. We are also genuinely open to being wrong about parts and perhaps all our beliefs - while at the same time being fully committed to them" (p. 132).

Chapter 7 Serving with Generosity
Hospitality and generosity are both important to emerging churches, in effort to serve both those inside and outside their specific communities. In referencing our consumer culture, church can become a producer/consumer relationship and the church seeks to market their brand to consumers. If church becomes that, there can be no sustainability. If Jesus stops satisfying, they will move on to another spiritual expression and never truly be satisfied. "Consumerism both pacifies and disempowers people and robs them of their individuality and creative potential (p. 139). Instead, in the emerging church, consumers must become active participants. They believe that people must be rescued from their greed and wastefulness in order to live a life of service and generosity. And this service is not viewed as a social service; instead, it is a spiritual practice that is part of their holistic way of life. Generosity stems not just from material wealth, but also giving of one's time and self, such as through one's vocation. Generosity is never calculating. It is extravagant (p. 152).

Chapter 8 Participating as Producers

In order to be incarnational participants in God's kingdom, church must be viewed as the body rather than the place. People must be given the space to use their gifts, making each one feel a sense of ownership and belonging. And in order to make the worship meaningful, it must be indigenous to the locale and not prescripted.
Seeking to be open and authentic can allow room for individuals to really wreak havoc on a community. However, the rest of the community must be prepared to handle those situations. The ultimate goal is to create a genuine worship environment for all people to fully participate in.

Chapter 9 Creating as Created Beings

God is a creative God. And he created us with the ability to be creative. This is a major emphasis of the emerging church. However, our society tends to McDonaldize life, seeking efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. Bad news! We are each unique human beings born with creativity (even though I don't feel like I received a whopping helping of it!). Yet, creativity gives worshipers the opportunity to embrace aspects of God's character they normally would not acknowledge (p. 178).

The Reformed Church

Well, talking about the Reformed Church in class should be a review for this Presbyterian-raised girl, right? Not so much...
We learned a bit about Calvin's background - how he wrote the Institutes of reformation at the age of 27. He was a preacher, not a renowned theologian. His goal was to make the church more personal. He proclaimed the priesthood of all believers, not just the apostolic succession honored by the Catholic church. The main focus was on the word of God rightly preached and the sacraments of God rightly given. Before this time, sermons were delivered in Latin, so most church attenders (which was basically everyone during this time of Christendom) didn't understand the message. How preposterous that sounds to us now. I mean, I've attended church services in other countries where I don't understand anything, but it's more about being there out of respect for the people there. Why would I attend a church in my own cultural context where I didn't understand any of it? Yet, that was how it was back in the day. So this new idea of "go to church, listen to a message, live it out" idea was radical! Maybe today radical things would happen if all of us believers practiced those 3 parts.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Luther and Calvin

I've been thinking a lot about the role of church and state. How should they interface...or should they at all?
Learning about Luther and Calvin gives some insight into the importance of both realms engaging with one another. Luther's teaching was a reaction against Catholicism, declaring the priesthood of ALL believers. This was one of the impetuses to foster individualism in church and society - which at the time, was viewed as a positive move, but today is very questionable.
There are benefits to recognizing our individual value and role in God's Kingdom, but we cannot lose sight of the importance of the church, which is the body of Christ...we are called to be in community with one another, and not to be an island. Our professor said something along the lines of: As long as we think of church as a time and place, we will have the sacred and spiritual compartmentalized in our lives.
We discussed the cultural passivity many demonstrate regarding paid leadership in the church. When someone gets paid, others view their work as their job and don't see a need to play a role. I believe this is the exception rather than the rule, but it does have an impact. We also talked about how church buildings can become distractions rather than assets to support the work of the church. I think this was true in my home church, where the emphasis became social activities more so than ministry opportunities; and upkeep on the building was a constant concern.
The measure of growth in a church cannot be simply number of attenders...while that can be some indicator, there should be different kinds of fruit produced - such as hospitality in opening your home to others, serving the poor, organizing Bible studies, etc.
The constant theme in this class has been to rethink what it means to be church. John Calvin said that the "Marks of a church are a sermon rightly preached and sacraments rightly given." It is not some all-inclusive box that contains pews, hymnals, a pulpit, projector, etc. Those things are not inherently bad. We just need to be open to let God be God...and what a creative God we serve!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Monastacism

Today we talked a bit about the New Monastacism movement, and watched an interview with Shane Claiborne online. I've heard a lot about this guy and the Simply Way intentional community that he and some friends started in the poorest neighborhood of Philadelphia. However, I had never heard him speak. I was impressed with how down-to-earth and humble he was. He didn't speak out in anger against the traditional church, but rather challenged people to think about what it truly means to follow Christ. He pointed out that's there's a huge different between believing in Jesus and following him. And he said that in his pursuit of Christ, he found him in unexpected places...not necessarily in the church, but rather in his poor communities with homeless moms and drug addicts.
Living in community is still a challenge for us in our very individualistic, compartmentalized lives. But I believe that's one of the biggest draws towards Africa for me...the interconnectedness of one another is their means of survival. Everyone is a brother, sister, cousin, aunt, uncle. And you take care of your family. I know there are a lot of churches here that are really good at taking care of their own, and even those in the community, or outside of country. But does it stop with material goods? What this New Monastacism group has done is plant themselves in a place...a place that from the outside appears to be very dark and hopeless...and be fully invested in that community, building relationships and supporting one another in a humble, self-sacrificing way. It's a beautiful model...but of course not everyone can or should move to the inner city and join this group. Yet, what would it look like to build a stronger community and serve your neighbors wherever you are? Opportunities abound when we start to look outward.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Class reflection

In today's class, we addressed some of the questions and thoughts the stemmed from the Missiology lecture last week. On the topic of how diversity is fostered in these "Fresh Expression" church movements, we learned that the small gatherings that form out of similar interests (surfers, youth, pub churches) are still connected to the larger body of the Anglican church. And justice is at the heart of the church plants. So there may not appear to be diversity, but the entire larger network has great diversity.
Our lecture then dealt with the movement of Catholicism around the world. The Portuguese sent voyagers south into West Africa, where they established themselves and the church, taking the natives as slaves. The faith was always viewed as the white person's religion and was imposed on them. However, time has healed wounds, and Africa now accounts for 10-15% of the worldwide Catholic population. In Asia, several sincere leaders, such as Francis Xavier and Matteo Ricci, brought Catholicism to the people. And in Latin America, of course, is the largest population of Catholics. The Catholic church does not seem to be in decline in any part of the developing world, largely due to charismatic movements that are rising in these areas.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Book Review #4

Global Pentecostalism by Donald E. Miller and Tetsunao Yamamori

"Religion is a rather earthy phenomenon that is mixed up with escapism, cultural baggage, and fraud. This observation is not new; it is what the prophets of the Hebrew scriptures and all of the great religious traditions have denounced. But there is another side to Pentecostalism that marches to a different drummer...."(p. 224).

This book is basically a global overview of the movements and social action taking place within Pentecostalism. The book questions whether Pentecostalism, in all its diverse forms, can make an impact on the major issues in our world, particularly in the developing world. The researchers also investigated the influence of church plants created by outside missionaries, as well as the impact of liberation theology on the current trends within the Pentecostal church.

Ch. 1 Global Pentecostalism
The major growth within the Pentecostal church is happening in the global south, and therefore Christianity is being reshaped by very contrasting cultures.
Three common misconceptions about Pentecostalism are dispelled:
  1. Speaking in tongues, being slain in the Spirit, prophecying, etc. are not all demonstrated in every Pentecostal services 
  2. Pentecostals are not comprised of lower-class, marginalized, or uneducated people
  3. Because Pentecostals are believed to be fixated on the afterlife, they give no consideration to redeeming this earth
There are legitimate arguments for where these stereotypes originated, but this movement has evolved and grown out of that narrow point of view.
A primary focus of Pentecostalism is worship, and the heart of it is through music. 
 The movement was in part a reaction to the Enlightenment, which said that through reason and science everything can be explained, squelching the role of the Holy Spirit. Pentecostalism focuses on the spiritual realm, and this resonates with many non-western societies whose traditions are rooted in animism.

Three means that the Pentecostal faith can potentially lead social transformation include:
  1. Through encouragement and offering people hope in eternal life, free from poverty and oppression.
  2. Through improving social welfare, largely due to their stance against alcohol, drinking, drugs, gambling and womanizing.
  3. Through focusing on human rights.  They practice equal leadership opportunities for all people to have a role and proclaim that we all have direct access to God.
Ch. 2  Progressive Pentecostals
This chapter describes some of the work being done around the world and the profound impact it's having.  For example, in Ethiopia, a local doctor has opened a clinic, training "health evangelists" to do home visits with parents to encourage a more healthy and sanitary living environment. This has, in turn, helped the community serve one another by working together to collectively solve their problems.  It moves beyond simply charity to create a community development program.
Pentecostals such as this doctor believe that it is impossible to separate their Christian faith and commitment from their community involvement.  Florence, the Doctor, said, "It is through poor and disenfranchised people that we encounter Jesus" (p. 40).
One pastor commented that they feed the hungry in order to share the gospel with them.  There is a belief that in order to escape poverty, one must have a strong faith in Christ (prosperity gospel).  There is also a consciousness of not wanting to create dependency, but wanting to empower people through economic opportunities, all the while being sensitive to local needs and political structures.
The types of programs they encountered included: emergency relief, education, counseling, mercy ministries, medical assistance, economic development, the arts, and policy change. The researchers concluded that all these initiatives seemed to flow naturally out of their sincere commitment to carrying out an incarnational ministry. Their mission is to view human lives holistically, recognizing both the physical and spiritual needs.

Ch. 3 Building a New Generation
This chapter looks at the various programs focused on children and youth, such as children's homes in Uganda for orphans, camp programs, schools, vocational training, rescuing street children and trafficked children.
Children are encouraged and trained in the arts to hold dramas in churches and play music for worship, which builds their self-esteem.
Women are also served through some of these initiatives because they are given key roles in serving, thus empowering them as community builders.
While many of the programs reach out to individuals, the intention is that it will impact the larger community.  The overarching belief is that children have rights and should be treated with dignity, and that the church has a responsibility to create a safe environment to allow them to flourish.

Ch. 4 Practicing the Faith
In order to further transform individuals and society into faithful followers of Christ, ministries such as drug rehabilitation centers are organized.  Teen Challenge is one of the largest of its kind, with a strong charismatic influence. There are also prison ministies, mental health services, caring for people with HIV/AIDS, and ministering to sex workers.
The goal with all these programs is not charity, but rather to prepare individuals to be contributing members of society.  They help with vocational training and microfinance assistance to encourage people to start businesses. 
In addition, effort is made to encourage political involvement.  While Pentecostal churches are generally known for seeing politics as corrupt and not having a lot of direct involvement, there are still some more progressive leaders who try to foster engagement and dedication to improving conditions for the poor through politics. 
This book seeks to highlight the emergence of a new group of Pentecostals who still recognize the vital role of the Holy Spirit, but also seek to engage the world around them.  They recognize the teachings and life of Christ as seeking justice for the poor, prostitutes and children.

Ch. 5 Encounters with the Holy
In looking at the worship traditions of Pentecostals, it is highly participative. People attending are fully involved and there is a particular emphasis on touch, as people lay hands on one another and share the kiss of peace. Music is integral.  The worship experience is centered around corporal singing and music.  The typical flow follows a general pattern: 1) upbeat, energetic songs, 2) contemplative songs, 3) pray, maybe some speaking in tongues, 4) offering of scripture, sermon, invitation for healing, and 5) celebratory praise.  Dance is another common element of worship.
Prayer are more simplistic and personal than the traditional scripted prayers of Catholics and other Protestant denominations. However, it said that sometimes people will get lost in their prayer, gradually falling into a sermon with their eyes closed.
Gifts of the Spirit, such as speaking in tongues, healing, prophecy, and being slain in the Spirit are all common elements of Pentecostal worship. As mentioned before, these are all very cultural accepted practices for many non-western cultures. Western modern worldview often dismisses the presence of the spiritual realm - demons, spirits, etc.
Some churches have multiple services and the music worship style is altered for a certain demographic attending the service.  (So this is not just a western phenomenon, or was it transported?)
It was addressed in this chapter that Pentecostalism should not be viewed as a reversion to primitivism, but instead it is "ironically postmodern rather than primitive. It encourages people to merge mind and body into a unified expression that honors emotional and physical expressions as integral elements of worship" (p. 142).
The building structure of Pentecostal churches comes in many shapes and sizes, from multi-million dollar facilities, to simple shacks.
"It is the divine-human encounter that empowers people to help their immediate neighbor, as well as engage in various community building activities (p. 132).
The large emphasis is made on displaying unconditional love to all people. 

Ch. 6 Born in the Image of God
This chapter addresses the interaction of religion and economics.
The Pentecostal ethic aligns most closely with the Protestant ethic, fostering an honest, disciplined, transparent work ethic, viewing their vocationo as a calling by God that they must remain committed to. However, one step further, Pentecostals are strongly encouraged, as a new creature in Christ, to refrain from "pleasures of the flesh." Therefore, they have more money to invest in education, business, or other family/friends. 
There is a strong belief in the blessings one receives from tithing. Several testimonies were shared from individuals from India and Kenya who were successful in business, which they attributed to tithing. 
The Pentecostal tradition really emphasizes the dignity and worth of each individual, as a child of God.  Their core value proclaims the priesthood of all.  They were one of the first to give equal rights to women in ministry.
The church's vast services help members get a bit of an advantage in competing for business opportunities and jobs. The researchers recognized a correlation between Pentecostalism and capitalism, as many converts demonstrated upward social mobility.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fresh Expressions, part 2

Bishop Cray is probably on an eastbound plane heading back to the UK, but not before really leaving a mark on this community and giving us much to ponder and wrestle with.  His talk really delved into what the essence of Christianity is and how we build a community of people who seek to embody that.  It centers on the cross.  We can't lose that focus in the midst of church hierarchy, rules, structure, traditions, etc. 
People say that humans are born with an intrinsic desire to understand the meaning of life and to recognize a power beyond ourselves.  However, this seems to be lost from a large population of the British, according to what we heard about the status of faith in British society.  So many do not even know who Jesus is or what a church is for.  The days of Christendom are long gone, though the Church of England is still in existence.  It's still hard for me to fathom a place where church is an oddity.
The challenging part for me in hearing about these "organic" church initiatives is, where does the diversity come in? I think it's wonderful to work within existing networks to grow a church, but it becomes a very homogeneous community.  If I hang out with a bunch of farmers forever, how will I ever learn to appreciate and relate to city folk?  And we're instructed to respect and learn from our elders; so a community of youth have little guidance and wisdom to draw upon in their circle.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Big Bear

It's been a while since I've shared any pictures on's also been a while since I wrote something other than school work.  I apologize.  The reason for no pictures is because I lost my battery charger, so I've had a dead camera battery for a couple months.  The reason for no fun posts is because I've been too consumed with school and work to do anything fun, let alone write about it.
However, after an intense 2 weeks studying poverty and development under the renowned Bryant Myers (Walking with the Poor anyone??  I know my fellow CCSPers and ECHO folks are with me!), my brain was jello.  It was a lot to take in 3 hours a day for 2 weeks straight, in addition to working and taking my other classes.  So I needed a weekend without thinking!  Thankfully, largely in honor of Daphne's birthday and the fact that they are moving to Cambodia in several weeks, Daphne's husband, Ryan, organized a weekend away for 10 of us in a cabin in Big Bear, a lovely town in the mountains 2 hours northeast of LA.  People were actually skiing up there already, though the temperatures were still in the 60's!
It was such a wonderful weekend to relax, go hiking, journal, enjoy the hot tub, play dominoes, realize how bad I am at pool, breathe fresh air and just decompress! 
I wish I had some pictures to show what a gorgeous setting it was, but I'm sure Daphne will post pictures eventually:

Fresh expressions

The annual missiology lecture is happening this week at Fuller.  This year the Right Reverend Bishop Graham Cray from England is coming to speak about the new church planting movement happening within the Church of England.  As you probably know, the church in Europe has shrunk in the last several decades to less than 10% of the population calling themselves Christian.  In England, the statistics say that 40% of the population have never attended church in their lives, 40% have attended at one time but no longer go, 10% attend sporatically and the last 10% are regular attenders. 
The movement, called "Fresh Expressions," that Bishop Cray is part of seeks to bring church to the communities in their natural context.  It's not about creating a "cookie cutter" church like the ones before, or even exporting successful models of church from the US or other parts of the world.  The motivation is to see how God is moving in different communities and join those movements.  These include cafe churches, pub churches, even surfing gatherings and an entirely youth led church. 
If the church is dying, we have to breath life back into it.  This has to be done with creativity and innovation, working within the cultural networks to draw people in.  It's not about watering down the message. Christ is still central and the mission is to raise others and ourselves to become disciples, building one another up in community. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Book Review #3

Disciples of All Nations - Pillars of World Christianity by Lamin Sanneh
This book looks at the movement and growth of Christianity in postcolonial world Christianity's role in "cultural innovation and historical change" is surveyed throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America and the faith's interaction with Islam, indigenous religions and political ideologies such as Marxism and nationalism. 

Chapter 1 - Whither Christianity ~ a Study in Origin, Thought and Action
Peter and Paul both determined that Christianity had no set birthplace and therefore, no territory to defend. It was a faith for all of humanity for all seasons.  Yet,persecution followed Christians since the beginning.
God is placed at the center of cultures, implying equality amongst all people groups and gives credibility to all languages.  Christianity is a "translated" faith, which means it is an interpreted religion. Therefore, it cannot claim adherence to one singular cultural tradition. "Christianity spread through established cultural patterns - sometimes flowing with the tide, and sometimes grinding agaisnt the flow - but always making local appropriation of its claims a necessary prerequisite" (p. 29).
Islam grew in the Arab world as a result of Constantine declaring the Roman Empire a Christian nation.  In order to inhibit Christianity from securing too great a force amongst the Arabs, Islamic influence increased.
Due to the battle over what language should serve as venacular of the Christian faith, Charlemagne became Christendom's "ill-willed architect." So, despite being earlier framed as a faith for all people, the impact of Christendom - blurring the lines of church and state - created a negative opinion amongst people.

Chapter 2 - The Christian Movement in Islamic Perspective
The organized structure of Christianity as we know it today was heavily influenced by the Roman Empire, and the western theology was formed by Greek ideas. "Dreams, visions and prophecy linked Christianity to the old religions, and through them lay and ordained alike had access to the divine" (p. 59). Monasticism was believed to be a force for social change, particularly in the Eastern world.
To the Arabs, Christianity was a Greek religion, while Islam remained unaffected by Greek influence.  So this became divisive over political boundaries, and then "the Greek Christ ended up trumping the Jewish Jesus, a civilizational split that had irreversible consequences for all history" (p. 63). Christianity was presented by the Greeks as a faith for rational inquiry. Because it became so consumed with debating theological arguments, there was no unity and no consideration made for their neighbors in the Eastern church. Therefore, the Eastern church proved to be the barrier that prevented Arab Christians from making the faith their own.
Ethiopia has a role in this movement; as the Israelites split in their exile out of Egypt, a small group went south and settled in Ethiopia. Despite pressure from a world surrounded by Islamic influence, this group developed a unique religious tradition all their own. "The instinct of an Ethiopian connection to a primordial Christian faith was several things at once: a rejection of foreign imposition, a charter of orthodox unity and credibility, and a stake in indigenous leadreship" (p. 68).
Islam gained establishment all around the Mediterranean Sea, except for the lands north.  They gained Spain in the early 8th century, and Baghdad, Iraq was the new "gravitational center."
It's fascinating to look at history and see how it parallels the present or gives insight into where we are today.  In Europe, there was an accepted ignorance of Islam.  Some complacently chose to not know details, while others felt threatened by their presence.  European countries supported Muslim citizens primarily as trading partners. Muslim communities, conversely, viewed the insurgence of Christian missionaries as secular foreign intrusion to be resisted.

Chapter 3 - Old World Precedents and New World Directions
Missionary groups established free association outside of national sponsorship to spread Christianity overseas.  However, this was counter-active towards the state's goal of colonial hegemony, and therefore setting up a situation that proved to be very damaging.
Coming to a stalemate with Islam, the remnants of Christendom chose to focus their attention on sea-routes created for trade.  Europe sought to conquer the Muslim would by colonizing other parts of the world in pursuit of global economy power. Missionaries decided to join this conquest, moving into Africa and Latin America.  However, most were not adequately prepared for such a venture and in the 18th century, interest in world mission waned and number of missionaries plummeted. Those in the field, without any support or supervision, became discouraged, took concubines or became slave owners. Slave trade became an enormous issue during this time in Africa. This was fueled by the growth of the foreign trade economy, and not necessarily as a result of spreading Christianity.
"As it was developed, the European impulse of colonization was driven as much by the strategic need to circumvent Islam as it was by economic interests, and any considerations of faithfulness to the church's teachings were scondary to calculations of political advantage and monopoly rights" (p. 106).
In the aftermath of the slave trade, Christianity was still well-received by Africans suffering from dislocation and resettlement,to help them readjust and be restored. 

Chapter 4 - The Yogi and the Commissar ~ Missions and the Colonial Pillar
Missions were organized, funded and directed from the West and easily associated with their goal of colonization.  Sometimes there was collaboration, but it is also important to recognize that some communities became faithful and sincere converts. Missions faced the challenge of melding the cultural influences with the principles of Christianity, such as adopting local idioms in Bible translation.
The overarching attitude seemed to be to go out and save Africa from its darkness. Many missionaries "bleached" the native culture of all it's natural elements (p. 138). So Africans saw this contradictory example of Christianity - from what they were taught of God's love and grace to these missionaries forcing their way of life, making them feel inferior.
The leader of present-day Kenya said in the early 1930s that "missionaries imposed their culture of individualism on the African and, by that process, wrought havoc on all African society!" (p. 158).
African saw religion as their ally in the cause of justice and freedom (p. 160).

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Today's lecture dealt with a topic I had some firsthand experience with - Eastern orthodoxy. We learned about the original movements of orthodoxy throughout the Middle East - Constantinope, Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria and Rome, and also the Ethiopian Orthodox church.  While I was in Ethiopia, I was puzzled by the Orthodox church.  When the subject of religion came up, which was quite often, and I responded that I was Christian, it was always accompanied with "Protestant or Orthodox?"  Initially I wasn't sure how to respond.  What was the difference? How would I be perceived based on my response?  Generally, it didn't create any ill will, but when I would turn the question to them, if they were orthodox, they would basically infer "I'm Ethiopian, so I'm Orthodox."  My general impression was that the Orthodox church was a cultural religion and not necessarily a true faith.  However, that belief was discredited by people who held sincere faith convictions within their Orthodox traditions.  I will say that this group was the minority, but still it was heartening to know that some took their faith seriously. 
When the church becomes so intrinsically connected with the state as Orthodoxy often is, there is danger in confusing the identity and purpose of the church.  While our faith beliefs can inform our stances with regard to politics and the state, I believe there are severe consequences that result in combing the two.  During the Enlightenment, a separation was distinguished between church and state in the West.  However, in the Orthodox tradition, the name alone identifies these churches with the state - Ethiopian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc.  The church should not be our governing authority, but should inform our governance and desire to follow God's will.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Jesus Prayer

I've really enjoyed practicing different methods of "communicating with Jesus," if you will, at the beginning of lectures. Today we spent 5 minutes reciting the Jesus Prayer, which is various forms of "Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner." Repeating it over and over without letting my mind wander was a challenge. But during this exercise, I had a flashback to Ethiopia. One night the General had taken another girl and me to see some hyenas. There was a garbage dump where the hyenas would come after dusk for food. We sat in his vehicle in the dark in complete silence waiting to see the notorious and iniquitous hyena make its approach. After about 45 minutes, without any sign of life, we wondered if our trip was going to be in vain. Then I turned to look behind the vehicle and there was a lone hyena lurking along the road. Now this was bizarre because 1) hyenas usually roam in packs and 2) it wasn't going towards to garbage pile. So during this flashback, I felt like God was using that experience to remind me to be cautious of the devil. We might think we're focused and guarding ourselves against evil, but what's happening in the periphery?

~ that we may not be taken advantage of by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his intentions. ~ 2 Corinthians 2:11

Monday, October 26, 2009


Our lecture today got a bit stuck on the topic of bishops in the early church. These were the leaders of the house churches and their role gradually grew to oversee entire towns, or parishes, and then multiple parishes. It's quite similar to the structure some mainline denominations have today. However, in this time the bishop really held a lot of authority...too much, really. Church couldn't take place without a bishop present. They were ordained and were viewed to have the power to offer forgiveness for wrongdoing, serve communion and baptize.

The Early Church

Discussion of the early church continued this week. We learned that the body of believers continued to meet in homes, and did not build church structures until around 200-250AD. During this transition, services became more formalized with structured, rather than spontaneous, prayer.
I got a lot of insight into the tradition of baptism through this lecture. We learned how serious and pivotal of an occasion baptism was for the early believers. There was often a 3 year initiation and preparation phase during which the individual was encouraged to fast, pray, and rid themselves of old sins. Their entire life was inspected with a fine-toothed comb to ensure that they weren't hiding any skeletons in the closet. This event grew to such an extreme magnitude that people began delaying their baptism because they thought you could not sin after it happened. Many would rather live as they chose and then make the commitment as late in their life as they felt comfortable.
Since these people placed so much emphasis on baptism and believed that salvation was tied to the act, parents began to have their children baptized at a younger and younger age to protect their souls. As a result, this thorough practice of instruction and preparation began to decline.
It's just interesting to see how the practice of baptism became skewed as a result of our human preferences and priorities. Jesus was quoted in Acts, "This is what you heard from Me, for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

House church, continued

We continued our discussion in Church and Mission talking about the Early Church and how it was organized. At the end of the 1st century, roles became more defined and titles were created, such as bishop, deacon, elder, etc. They continued to meet in homes, though, and the idea of family was centered around the entire faith community that met in the homes. I love this! House churches really emphasize community, and seek the well-being of the whole. They are becoming more popular now for multiple reasons: deepening community, being more financially efficient (!!!), and allowing greater participation amongst all members of the group. I think about the stage of life where I wanted to attend a mega church and be anonymous. While I enjoyed the worship, I was not contributing anything. We are called to be the BODY of Christ, and as such, must be active participants, exercising the gifts God has given each of us.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Book Review #2

The Great Emergence by Phyllis Tickle

“Every five hundred years, the church cleans out its attic and has a giant rummage sale.”

Tickle writes from the perspective of an editor, understanding that much has been written about the history of Christianity, but not much of it is written for the average layperson who is seeking a new perspective on church and faith. The author begins to explain this major event, referred to as the Great Emergence, following the timeline of a drastic shift in the church roughly every fifth century since Christ’s birth and life on earth. Out of the major upheaval, she contends that 3 consistent results occur: 1) a more vital form of Christianity emerges, 2) the organized expression of Christianity is reconstituted into a purer, more organic form, and 3) because of #2, the faith spreads.
In the book, Tickle outlines the various elements of the Great Emergence, from information overload, to dependency on machines.

In chapter 1, she talks about the early church and how that since Christianity was the religion of the Roman Empire, many new “raiders-turned citizens” adopted it. It is noted that no form of organized Christianity has ever been destroyed during one of these 500 year eruptions. Monasticism was birthed during this age, representing true demonstrations of faith. This has made a new revival in today’s faith practice, as well as traditions of Orthodoxy. The Roman Catholic Church saw changes, losing dominance, but being freed to address some of the corruption and shortcomings they were experiencing. Tickle acknowledges that it is not only Christianity that experiences these 500 year cycles; both Jewish tradition as well as Islam can claim a similar pattern.

Chapter 2: Religion is a social construct. Tickly uses interesting imagery to describe how we as human beings need spirituality to give life meaning. She describes a cable, saying that the outer mesh layer represents common agreement about how the world works and should be understood. Then there are 3 strands inside the tube that are intertwined to strengthen the chord: spirituality – experiences and values that are internal to the individual, corporeality – evidence that religion exists, and morality – externalization and application of values and experiences of the individual who make up a society. These things bind the faith community together until that major occurrence, about once every 500 years when the outer layer and the inner chords suffer a blow at the same time.

Chapter 3: Scripture only and only Scripture. During the Reformation, focus was on the priesthood of all believers and solo scriptura. Assaults were organized against Islam. This was a time of great advances in the field of science and mathematical knowledge. Protestantism grew, as well as individualism and emphasis on the nuclear family. An entrepreneurial middle class formed. There was a shift from money to information as the building block of economic power. The printing press was invented and globalization began. The Catholic Reformation took place around the same time.
Half a millennium prior to the Great Reformation was the Great Schism, or the Crusades – a holy campaign to rescue Jerusalem and the Middle East from Islam (p 59).

Chapter 4:Here the influence of Darwin is discussed, as being the impetus for new cultural, social, political and theological thought. Also, Michael Faraday’s research on electromagnetic current. In response to scientific focus, a conference held in Niagara Falls outlined Christianity outlined 5 true beliefs: inerrancy of scripture, divinity of Jesus, historicity of Virgin birth, substitutionary nature of the Atonement, physical, corporeal return of Christ (65-66). Influence of philosophers – Campbell, Descartes… who has the authority? “Emerging Christians are the immediate products of the 20th century” (p 74).

Chapter 5: German theologian Reimarus, asked, “ What if Jesus of Nazareth and the Jesus of Western history and thought are not the same?” (p. 80). 1906 marked the advent of Pentecostalism – Azusa Street. Charles Parham is regarded as the creator of Pentecostalism. Participatory worship became the norm, and the Pentecostal church grew exponentially, becoming the 2nd largest Christian body in the world! This faith tradition asserts that ultimate authority is experiential rather than canonical (p. 85).

Chapter 6: The Great Emergence…Christianity has grown exponentially, not only in geographic base and numbers, but also in passion and call to brotherhood of all peoples (p. 121). This emergent movement is still new, so it’s difficult to define exactly what it is. Liturgy is brought back, social justice is emphasized, the “new monasticism” – incarnational ministry. This is a gathering center from all the distinctive former branches or denominations. However, there will still be more extreme pockets that stay on the outskirts.

Chapter 7: Orthopraxy (right practice) and orthodoxy (right doctrine) are still defining characteristics of Christians, but do not have any specifically articulated mantra like Luther’s “solo scriptura”. Closest phrase is “in scripture and in community.” Gatherings such as Vineyard Church and Mosaic are products of this movement.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Slow food

The concept of house churches seems to be a newer phenomenon. In actuality, the church was birthed in homes in the 1st Century. They spread throughout the Roman Empire, where people practiced community and broke bread together. Fellowship surrounding meals and food was a big part of Jewish culture. As Christians gathered, they symbolically ate together in remembrance of the Last Supper. There was no distinction of bread and wine to signify Christ's body and blood. While there is value in distinguishing the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper from our everyday meals, I see significance in recognizing Christ's sacrifice and honoring Him during a regular meal shared together. The practice of sharing food can and should be an act of worship. I have a friend whose photos of people all involve food. It strikes me as funny and unique, but it's really beautiful because most of the time it's homemade. Time and effort go into creating something to be shared. And hopefully we can grow as the body of Christ in the process.

Annual Trip off the Farm

Brother only gets about one trip off the farm a year (ok, that's not entirely true...just ask Derek!) But this is the 2nd year in a row that he's been able to visit me - last year Florida, this year California. And we conveniently time these trips around NASCAR events. However, I wanted to give him the real 'southern California experience' in the short 3 days that he had here, so I got tickets to the Jay Leno Show. Of course, we're not allowed to have cameras inside the studio, so let me paint a brief picture of that event. After waiting in lines for about 2 hours and being somewhere in the middle of the pack, we were escorted to our seats front and center! We're completely baffled at how that happened, but Andrew was prominantly seen multiple times on the taping. Previous to the commencement of the taping, he also had the distinct honor of shaking his booty in front of the entire audience to get a free t-shirt. I averted my eyes.
Then the races - plural. Thanks to a friend, we had pit passes for the Nationwide race. While standing on the side waiting for the pre-race festivities to begin, I looked to my right and saw a very recognizable face standing there. I nudged Andrew and said, "Shake and Bake to my right!" John C Reilly, the co-star of Talladega Nights, was standing next to us. Andrew asked for a picture with him, and here it is:

The race was good, but my guy didn't win. The Sprint Cup race wasn't as exciting after having a backstage pass the day before, but it was nice to experience it with our aunt and uncle who had never been to a race before. Also, thank you California for banning smoking at all public venues!! It was so great to not go home with a headache from second hand smoke!
Other activities packed into the 3 days - tour of Hollywood, survey of fire damage from the Station Fire, driving tour of Pasadena, a few games of Ladder golf, and saw the Hangover at the $3 theatre.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Jesus for President

In today's lecture, we talked a little bit about the idea of Jesus for President, and the need to rethink politics. Our guide should be Christ. This message coincides with the topic of my summer course, Social Ethics. As followers of Christ, we shouldn't be caught up in the divisiveness of politics, but should seek to exemplify God's kingdom. We as the body of Christ in the church should seek creative ways to live out His teachings and not succumb to the expectations and "norms" of cultural influence.

I have given them Your word. the world hated them because they are not of the world, as I am not of the world. I am not praying that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world as I am not of the world. ~ John 17:14-16

Monday, October 12, 2009

Principles of Christ

Our lecture in Church and Mission continued on the topic of Christ's earthly ministry. It's really remarkable to think of the impact of a man who wrote nothing and spent the majority of his time with the poor and outcast. What a different time period - no multi-media technology - yet word spread because it was so counter-cultural. As mentioned before, Jesus challenged the status quo and advocated for life lived in community with one another as equals. He broke cultural rules and walls between socioeconomic levels, gender, and political divides. The enemy was no longer the neighboring nation; evil now had a name: Satan. The strongly patriarchal society was also challenged to elevate the role of women. Jesus proclaimed that our father was in Heaven, so the earthly father lost some power through that declaration.

The most impactful part of the lecture for me, though, was Dr. Bolger sharing a bit about how his family put these lessons from Christ to practice in their lives. About 3 years ago, I came to visit my friend, Daphne, who had just started the MACCS program. I sat in on a class with her, which happened to be Church and Mission, the class I'm currently taking. During that lecture, Dr. Bolger shared a story about how he and his family prayed for a different attribute of Christ daily to display in their lives. This really impressed and challenged me. I wrote them down and determined to do the same someday when I have children. Well, I misplaced the paper somewhere along the way and was disappointed to not have it anymore. Thankfully, this topic came up again in today's lecture, and Dr. Bolger shared the daily principles of prayer that he and his family prayed for. I hope that this can be a good challenge for all of you, as well. This is just a very brief outline, but if you want more detail, they are taken from Body Politics by John Howard Yoder.

Monday: Peacemaking
Tuesday: Banquet, Eucharistic practice…sharing
Wednesday: baptism…including the outcast, one who is different
Thursday: universal giftedness…recognize gifts in others
Friday: fullness of Christ – give a voice to the voiceless
Saturday: for a day of holy leisure
Sunday: worship

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A book review

Dear readers...part of our assignment is to write book reviews for each of the 6 books we've been assigned to read. Be forewarned that reading this will likely induce fatigue to the average reader. However, by posting it on my blog, I can avoid using a piece of paper or 2. Just trying to practice ecological stewardship - you know me! Every little bit helps. Thank you for your understanding.

An Introduction to Ecclesiology by Veli-Mati Karkkainen

A book review

The book begins by looking at the foundational theology of the Roman Catholic Church, by far the largest Christian body. The traditions of the Roman Catholic Church focus on sacraments – baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist. It is believed that these sacraments build communion amongst the body of believers within the church. Another defining feature is the predominance of the Pope.

Lutheran theology, under the guidance of Martin Luther, focused on the noninstitutional character of the church, in part in a reaction against the hierarchical system of the Catholic church. The core elements for Luther were the Word and the sacraments. He believed in the priesthood of ALL believers because Christ has interceded for us and made irrelevant the role of the priest. As such, we are to be Christ to our neighbor, sharing the pain and burdens of those people as Christ graciously does for each of us.

The Reformed Movement, under Calvin, aligned with Luther’s principles of teaching the Word and administering sacraments; however, he went on to emphasize behavior and doctrine; Zwingli, another theologian of that time, focused on personal faith. A distinction is drawn between the visible and invisible church: the visible church is the tangible, physical body of believers in the present here on earth; the invisible is the elect who will dwell with God after the final coming. Therefore, these are not 2 distinct churches, but rather 2 phases of the same. Karl Barth stressed the giftedness of all believers; not simply a select few.

“Free church movement” describes the Anabaptists, who birthed a new theology melding reliance on the Holy Spirit with scripture. This movement got rid of much of the formality of worship and sacraments, stressing the believer’s baptism rather than infant baptism, and allowing the Spirit to guide in an unregimented way. There is a focus on simplicity and staying unattached from worldly ideals. Following the priesthood of all believers, the free church practices ordination, though not as a sacrament, just as a public confirmation.

Pentecostal/Charismatic Ecclesiology was birthed in Kansas and then in this neighborhood, in LA in the early 20th century. This was more of a revival movement rather than a radical new theology. Highlighted in this era were the manifestations of the Spirit through prophecy, speaking in tongues, and healing. The emphasis here was on experiencing the presence of God. Charismatic churches tend to focus on community life more so than the Pentecostals.

Ecumenical Movement is all about bringing unity to the church, or all who believe in Christ. However, it is a great challenge to bring all people in accordance when there are very distinctive features that set each ecclesiology apart. Two major divides that came up were seeing the sacramental practices as essential (Orthodox, Catholic) and what defines unity…some said personal faith and others believed church and tradition unified all believers.

Famous Ecclesiologists:
Zizioulas: “God’s being coincides with God’s communal personhood…Church is instituted by Christ and constituted by the Holy Spirit.”
Hans Kung: charismatic; “changing times require changing forms.” Disagrees with distinction between visible and invisible church, saying they transcend time. Spirit of God is the principle of freedom.” It removes social barriers. Emphasis on service.
Pannenberg: universalist ecclesiology; the church is the bearer of the Spirit of God and God’s grace, so a faith commitment cannot be made outside of the church. However, church is not the sacrament of unity…”he believes the church is an anticipation and sign of unity of all people under one God.” It is the body of Christ and the fellowship of believers. There is universal relevance of God’s reconciliation in Christ, so the church serves as a missionary. He holds a corporal eschatology, emphasizing justice for all people; also he holds unique ecclesiology of the corporal concept of the elect.
Moltmann: holds a relational ecclesiology and stresses an ecological concern.
Volf: Corporal participation in God’s mission. He calls it “participatory ecclesiology.”
McClendon, Jr.: Baptist; leadership is a gift from Christ and does not require ordination.
Newbigin: church is dynamic, ecumenical and missionary, not a task given to the church. Church must be visible.

Contextual Ecclesiologies
Asia: Rejection of the institutional church in favor of personal faith acted out in obedience. Church must act as a prophet against social injustice.
Latin America: Christian love demands need for justice. Churches birthed in reaction to lack of community, spurred by the rigid nature of Roman Catholicism.
Feminist: Focus against masculine imagery of God the Father, Son. Against this imagery. Also, emphasis is made about caring for the earth, due to feminine association – Mother Earth?
Africa – independent, indigenous movements with focus on spoken communication, stories; emphasize communal living and the work of the Spirit.
Shepherding movement – in following the example of Christ, having a primary leader who guides the flock, reviving Biblical role of pastor. Initially, it sounded like the model of forming small groups with an individual leader within each group. This model is weak in accountability.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Jesus and the Church

Today we talked about the fundamentals of Jesus' earthly ministry. His methods were not revolutionary for his time...prophets spoke in parables and talked about the Kingdom of God. However, Jesus' message was was even scandalous. Christ spoke about the marginalized and poor, downplaying the role of the priest. No person in that day would dare challenge the role of the priest or king, who served as the cultural, religious, political and economic leader. Christ clearly declared God as King, something that was counter-intuitive to the Jews; Herod was their king. They believed in the Kingdom of God, but that was yet to come. Christ was declaring the Kingdom of God as happening in the present brought about by followers and disciples. Jesus' teaching shook to the core the foundations of people's faith. It's challenging for me to consider how I would have reacted to this man who made a priority of being around the sick and outcasts of society. There would be pressure from family to remain true to tradition and not break away from that to follow this man and his crazy counter-cultural ideas. Yet, today how grateful I am for this man coming to earth to demonstrate such powerful lessons through action as well as words.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What is church?

Church gives us our identity as a people of God. It’s not about “going” to the structure, but rather living it.
And now for a little Seminary vocabulary lesson of words I'm learning in the current book I'm reading for the class, titled "Ecclesiology."
-Ecclesiology is simply the nature of the church. It’s why the church exists theologically.
Eschatology is the study of the end times
Pneumtology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Church in Mission

New Quarter, new classes. I'm taking a course in church in mission and part of our assignment is to reflect on class lectures and write about it. Church is a very integral part of my life and so I wanted to share a bit of what I learn with anyone who has some interest in this topic or what I came across the country to study in seminary.

As many of you know, I've had an extremely diverse church experience since leaving home. From roots in a small, rural, traditional Presbyterian church to college floating amongst different evangelical churches and then primarily a United Methodist Church, followed by a BIG nondenominational Christian church in Florida, and then experiencing Pentecostalism in the Assembly of God church in Burkina Faso, returning to the States and attending a Mennonite church on Capitol Hill in DC, heading to Ethiopia and learning about the Orthodox church there and seeing firsthand what "slain in the Spirit" looks like, going back to Florida and participating in a Vineyard church with a tight-knit community, to the present in southern California and finally making a commitment it a Four Square Church to be my place of worship during my time here. Yes, long sentence! The bottom line is, I like to challenge myself to meet Christ in many different atmospheres of worship. We're called to see God in others since each of us are made in His image, so this shouldn't only be in a formal church setting. Where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, there can be church. Church is changing a lot around the world. Most services don't look like they did in our parent's generation. In some parts of the world, the practice of attending church can mean social suicide. In other regions the church is growing rapidly. So I look forward to thinking through this idea of church and learning more about the history and evolution of it. Follow along if you like!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Santa Barbara

Cruised up the coast to catch up with an old friend from CCSP New Zealand days. I hadn't seen Mike in nearly 5 years. We caught up in Santa Barbara where's he been hangin for the summer before going back to architecture school in Oregon.
Spent the day checking out a totally rad farmers market, followed by an epic visit to the Santa Barbara mission where the flowers were out of this world.
Closed the day out with a little surfing. I was pretty stoked to give this a go. The surf was not quite firing, but it was good for a beginner. Plus, I had the greatest instructor in the world. And I got up twice! Not bad, eh?

All in all, a super-fun day...except that Mike got some gnarly food poisoning so he was OOC (out of commission) most of the evening. Still, Mike's a legend and it was really great to see him. He was the first person I met from my study abroad group and I wasn't quite sure what to make of the surfer lingo...felt like I was going to need to go to language school for it at first. And now, look at me workin a few words in to the vocabulary!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tour de Little People

Quarter #2 of my graduate career is complete! It was a love/hate relationship with summer intensive courses. I enjoyed focusing on one subject at a time, but found the discipline and motivation to work on assignments at a steady pace to be a challenge.

Summer culminated with a visit back east. I refer to this trip as the "tour de little people." I saw 13 little tots under the age of 2 1/2! Plus, 6 pregnant friends and cousins! One of them just delivered this past week - congratulations on the arrival of Abigail Faith, Carrie!!

The theme of babies continued as twin calves were born the day before I left...both female, which is rare. So they will stay and hopefully have a long life on Hendershot Farm.

And can't forget the little puppy, Lacy...a bundle of energy and fun, except when her chew toy involves your finger.

So that was my visit home in a nutshell. It was really great to be back on the Cove to breathe fresh air and drive my truck. I even managed to squeeze in canning a batch of salsa with the tomatoes Mom grew in the flower beds. Wish I could have had a couple extra days, but home will always be there.