Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Notice of Filming

We got a notice on our door this week alerting us to the fact that a film company was going to be filming a movie on our street.  Included on this notice was a description of the scene:
"interior/exterior single shot 1/4 load gunfire and simulated bullet effects on body and things...atmospheric smoke and steam effects...weapons brandished...driving scenes...foot chase and fight scene on property and in streets...surveillance scene...glass breaking...talent falls into pool." 
I haven't heard any of the gunshots or had any celebrity spottings.  There are just a bunch of huge semis parked along the street and very bright lights shining on the house nearby. 
The movie is called "Justified." Watch for previews coming to a theatre near you. 
Welcome to LA.


Dianne said...

according to imdb, it's a tv series... so you may be in for more fun!

Dianne said...
