Saturday, February 7, 2009

Home on the farm

Several people have inquired about what I've been doing to occupy my time since I've returned from Florida. Sometimes I wonder, too. Well, having been away from television for well over a year, I now feel sufficiently caught up on pop culture.
But the real "chores" or "projects" that have occupied my time have been 1) feeding calves. We've had an unbalanced ratio of female:male calves, with the bulk being female (in farming world - replacement heifers - a good thing). They're so adorable. Sometimes I get tired of shoveling manure, but those fuzzy heads melt my heart. 2) helping mom keep my little cousin a couple days a week 3) occasionally helping in the kitchen (though not nearly enough as I should) 4) on nice weather days (ie. when the temperature gets above 50) fixing fence in the pasture. and 5) visiting friend and family. I've taken trips to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, NYC, and Lancaster.
And now begins the countdown to West Coast life. I'm getting more and more excited...especially when I hear that the temperature out there is hovering around 80 degrees!

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