Friday, February 1, 2008

Stop and Smell the Roses

My friend, Lindsay, and I got to tour a rose greenhouse over the weekend.

Roses are becoming a huge industry in Ethiopia. Greenhouses are popping up all over the outskirts of Addis Ababa. Ethiopia has an ideal climate for growing them and decent infrastructure to be able to export them to Europe. It was incredible to walk through a sea of rosebushes…30 acres under plastic.

This particular greenhouse ships 4,000 stems / week to Holland.

They employ 500 local workers to cut, clean and package the roses for shipment. Most of the employees are women, which is intentional because the women carry the bulk of the responsibility to provide for their family. Sadly, all too often the men come and go and can't be relied on to supply finances.

Lindsay said it was the romantic in me coming out, but I couldn't help but think of the happiness each bundle of flowers would bring to its purchaser. I felt cheerful just to be surrounded by a plethora of perfect roses in a warehouse, with a little twinge of sadness for those that didn't make the cut, no pun intended. At the end of our visit, the owner gave each of us a bunch of roses. The particular variety I chose is called "Vampire" – a white rose with red tips – and I'm enjoying the brightness they bring to my room as I sit at my desk and write this.

I had to attach a photo of the tractor they use to haul the cut roses from greenhouse to packing house and cold storage for my dad and brother's benefit.

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